Thursday, December 18, 2008

Animation Mentor Acceptance

Wohoo. I got into Animation Mentor! Yes! Some people might be skeptical about it, but I've done my research on it and it seems like a really awesome course that could help me progress greatly as an animator.

So the only bad news there is money. It's USD and it costs a lot. So I definitely need a job asap so I can save up for it. I've been accepted into the Aussie Winter 2009 term; but I think I'll end up deferring 'til Aussie summer 2010. That way I can save up heaps for it so money won't be an issue when I start, and I can self-teach etc myself for a year to get as far as I can by myself. I am very keen to be a financially independant person.

Really exicited. Can't wait to do it :) And as a wise person once told me, the decisions your heart tells you is the right one. And my heart likes this plan. Yay!

1 comment:

chibi said...

Good luck Nico =) Sounds like you have everything planned.

Keep us updated :)